產(chǎn)品介紹 白色粉狀,易于分散,能溶于強酸強堿溶液中,在空氣中有強烈的吸濕性.本品在石油化工行業(yè)用作裂化催化劑再生的一種新型助燃劑載體,還可以作吸附劑、干燥劑等.在醫藥、化工行業(yè)廣泛應用.另外,在層析、干燥工藝中也廣泛應用. γ-alumina Applications:White powder, easy to disperse, can be dissolved in strong acid and alkali solution, and has strong hygroscopicity in the air. This product is used in the petrochemical industry as a new type of combustion promoter carrier for cracking catalyst regeneration, and can also be used as adsorbent Desiccants, etc. are widely used in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. In addition, they are also widely used in chromatography and drying processes. |